B. Sc ( Hons ), Physiology, Calcutta University
1972-73 M. Sc , Physiology, Calcutta University
1979 Ph. D , Biochemistry, Bose Institute, Calcutta University
Experience in Cancer Biology- over 35 years in National and International
Post Doctoral Training
83 UGC Research Associate, Bose Institute, Calcutta Univ
1984 Recipient of "Birla International Fellowship"to
go to UK
1984-1985 Research Associate, Department of Parmacology,Baylor
College of Medicine, Tx Medical Centre, Houston, USA
Academic Appointments
1987 Faculty, Department of Pharmacology, Baylor College of
Medicine, USA
1988-1989 Senior Research Officer, ICMR, CNCI, Calcutta
1990-1991 Facuty, Department of Pharmacology, Baylor College
Medicine, Houston, USA
1991- 1992 Tumor Biologist, Department of Dermatology, Wellman
Laboratory of Photomedicine, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, USA
1993 -1997 Senior Scientific Officer Gr-1,Head , Department
of Receptor Biology and Tumor Metastasis
Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata , India.
1997-2002 Assistant Director Grade/SSO-1
2002- Sr. Assistant Director Grade Scientist/SSO-I
2000 Apr- Jul Visiting Scientist, German Cancer Research
Center, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany
2001 May-Aug Visiting Scientist, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
2002 Apr- June Visiting Scientist, DKFZ, Germany
2007 Feb- March Visiting Scientist DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
2007 March 6-10 , Invited Speaker at “ International Conference onTumor Microenvironment” AACR sponsored, Florence, Italy.
2007 July 12 – 14 Expert member and Invited speaker, Indo-German Workshop, 2007, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany.
2008 , Apr – May, Invited as “Visiting Professor” to visit Institute Molecular Oncology, IDIBELL,Barcelona, Spain
2016, August- Invited Speaker- International Conference on Drug Delivery, Boston, USA
2018- February- National cancer Conference, Bhubaneswar, Invited Speaker.
2018- March - National Cancer Conference, New Delhi, Invited speaker.
2018- September- Invited Speaker, 2nd world Cancer Congress, Bangalore and receipient of “ Life Time Achievement Award”.
2019 – August- Invited Speaker- University College of Engineering & Management.
2019- September Invited Speaker & Natinal Committee Member, Indo-Oncology, Bhubaneswar.
Conference Attended
American Asson For Cancer Research 1985, 1987, 1991, 1992
U I C C , New Delhi 1994
U I C C , Sweden 1999
Metastasis Research Society, London,UK 2000 (Invited Speaker)
American Asson. Cancer Research, Florence, Italy, March, 2007 (Invited Speaker)
International Conference on Herbal Drugs, New Delhi, Dec, 2006.(Invited Speaker).
International Conference in Human Physiology, Kolkata University,Jan
2007 (Invited Speaker).
2nd Internation Symposium on Translational Research, Lonavala, India,Dec 9-12,2007 (invited Speaker).
Invited speaker at International Conference on Tumor Microenvironment, Florence,Italy March 6-10, 2007.
Invited speaker in Drug Delivery World Congress, Int Conf, Boston, USA, August, 2016
Invited Speaker in PCS Inter Conf, Mumbai, May, 2017
Invited Speaker- Indo-Oncology International Conference, Bhubaneswar, Feb 2018
Invited Speaker, 2nd world Congress on Oncology, New Delhi, July, 2018
Experiences :
As Officer-in-Charge (Research unit of C N C I) and
Several years in the capacity as Head of the Department/ Chairman & Member of different Committees/ National Conferences e t c. Areas of Research Interest :
Integrin biology in relation to tumor development especially metastasis
MMPs biology in relation to cancer / metastasis
Integrin mediated regulation of MMPs expression and function
Integrin receptor mediated signaling
Role of EGFR in cancer biology
In search of anti-metaststic drugs/ compounds.
Tumor Microenvironment.
of the Expert Committees :
(for screening and evaluation of Projects)
of Science & Technology, Govt of India
Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India
Indian Council of Medical Research, Govt of India
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt of India
Academic Advisory Committee (Govt. of West Bengal).
Visiting faculty - To offer Course Work to P.G students in the Dept, Biophysics,Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics, Calcuttta University.
Examinar- St Xaviers College / University
from extarnal funding / source
Project 1 “Role of Integrin Receptor in Cervical Cancer Biology”- DST Funded Project 1997-2001
Project2 “Role of Integrin Receptors in Tumor Metastasis“ CSIR funded Project 1996-2000
Project3 “Role of Integrin and Lectin Molecules in Tumor Metastasis” Indo – German Collaborative Project. 2000-2003
Project 4 “Role of Integrin Receptors in Invasive Potential of Tumor Cells” DST funded Project 2001-2005
Project 5 “Role of Matrixmetalloproteinases(MMPs) in Tumor Biology “ C S I R Funded, 2004-2008
Project 6 “Studies on MMP-2 in Tumor Biology” DRDO. Funded , 2004- 2007
Project 7 “Anti metastatic efficacy of Tea products”--National Tea Research Foundation, Funded, 2005 -2008.
Project 8 “Studies on Integrin mediated signaling”-DST funded, 2005-08.
Project 9 "Role of alfa5beta1 and alfaVbeta3 integrin in regulation of MMPs”- ICMR Funded, 2007- 2010.
Project 10 Studies on Focal Adhesion Kinase in relation to tumor biology-Funded by DRDO, 2008 - 2011.
project 11 “Studies on MMP-2 in human breast cancer (DST funded, 2009- 2012).
Project 12 Studies on ERK in relaion to breast cancer biology -DST
(DST funded 2011-2014)
Project 13 Studies on fibronectin and its integin in relation to breast cancer biology DST fast Track approved, 2010
Project 14 Anti cancer efficacy of Black Tea Polyphenols- Funded by
NTRF ( 2014 – 2017)
Project 15 In search of potential tumor marker – Funded by DST, W.B ( 2014 – 2017)
National/ International Membership
1. Member , International Metastasis Research Society,London ., U.K
2. Life Member Indian Asson. For cancer Research
Publications in International Journals 78
Ph.D Thesis Awarded/guided (from jadavpur & Calcutta Universities)- 10
Sanctioned Projects – DST ( New Delhi), ICMR, DRDO, CSIR, NTRF, DST ( West Bengal), W.B, Indo-German etc.
Extra curriculatr activities :
To get lost in the world of music / writing poems/ writing articles / thinking abstracts e t c.
Reviewer :
- Carcinogenesis , International Journal, Oxford Press.
- Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.
- Indian Journal of Medical Research (ICMR)
- Journal of Biosciences
- International Journal of Cancer Care
- European Journal of Cancer
- International Jour of Cancer
- Medical Oncology
- Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
- Cancer Research
Original Articles Published in International Journals :
- Chakraborty DP, Chatterjee A Urinary indole profile of B. Melanostictus during hydroquinone induced leucoderma and its regenaration. Clin Chim. Acta 79, 399-400, 1977.
- Chakraborty DP, Chowdhury SKR, Dey RN, Chatterjee A Interrelationship of tryptophan pyrrolase in melanogenesis of B. Melanostictus Clin. Chim Acta 82, 55- 59, 1978.
- Chakraborty AK, Chatterjee A, Chakraborty C, Chakraborty DP. Effect of tryptophan on tyrosinase in relation to vitiligo. Experientia 36, 920, 1980
- Chakraborty DP, Chatterjee A, Chakraborty AK, Chakraborty C. A method of bioassay of antivitiligo drugs Science and Culture, 47, 228-230.
- Chakraborty DP, Chatterjee A, Chakraborty AK Induced depigmentation in B. Melanostictus and ascorbic acid J. Ind. Chem. Soc LVIII, 608-610, 1981.
- Chatterjee A, S Ghosh, Das S, Sen S Isolation of yeast ascospores free of vegetative cell contamination. J. Gen. Microbiol. 128, 2725-2728, 1982.
- Chakraborty C, Chatterjee A, Chakraborty AK, Chakraborty DP Inverse relationship between melanogenesis and endogenous hydroquinone. Experientia 40, 829, 1984.
- Freeman JW, Chatterjee A, Busch H Discrimination of epitope identified by monoclonal antibodies by competitive binding to nitrocellulose bound antigens. J. Immunol. Methods 78, 259- 265, 1985.
- Freeman JW,Chatterjee A, Ross B, Busch H, Epitope discrimination and immunochemical charecterization of nucleolar phosphoprotein C23 using the monoclonal antibodies. Mol. & Cell. Biochem. 68, 87-96, 1985.
- Busch H, Busch RK, Chan PK, Chatterjee A,Freeman JW, Ross B, Black A, Yaneva M. Nucleolar antigens in cancer tissues, International Academy of Tumor Marker Oncology, 1, 69-80, 1986.
- Chatterjee A, Freeman JW and Busch H, Development of panel of monoclonal antibodies against HeLa nuclear and nucleolar antigens associated with cell proliferation. Am. Asson. Cancer Resh. Atlanta, USA 1987.
- Chatterjee A, Freeman JW and Busch H, Identification and partial charecterisation of a 40 kD nucleolar antigen associated with cell proliferation. Cancer Resh, 47, 1123-1129, 1987.
- Busch H, Freeman JW, Busch RK, Chatterjee A, Black A. At last : meaningful and reproducible immunological distinctions between cancer cells and normal resting cells. Clinical Immunology News Letter 8, 17-20, 1987.
- Busch H, Busch RK, Black A, Chan PK, Chatterjee A, Durban E, Freeman JW, Ochs R, Tan EM, Ross B, Yaneva M. Novel nucleolar antigens in autoimmune diseases. J. Reumatol 14, 70-77, 1987.
- Chatterjee A, Freeman JW, Busch H Identification and partial charecterisation of a 105, 000 Mr nucleolar antigen associated with cell proliferation. Cancer Resh 47, 6329, 1987.
- Busch H, Busch Rk, Chan PK, Chatterjee A, Freeman JW, Ross B, Black A, Yaneva M. Nucleolar antigens in cancer tissues. Human Tumor markers Page 203-221, 1987.
- Busch H, Busch RK, Freeman JW, Black A, Rabinovsky E, Chatterjee A, Reddy AB, Yaneva M. Nucleolar G antigens as cancer targets. J. Tumor Marker Oncol. 2, 141-151, 1987.
- Chatterjee A, Durban E, Busch H. Charecterisation of a nuclear antigen associated with cell proliferation. Cancer Resh. 48, 7159-7163, 1988.
- Reddy AB, Chatterjee A, Rothblum LI, Black A, Busch H. Isolation and charecterisation of a complementary DNA to proliferating cell nucleolar antigen P-40. Cancer Resh. 49, 1763-1767, 1989.
- Chatterjee A, Dutta K, Roychowdhury J. Identification of a novel 80 kD antigen associated to cell proliferation. Cancer Letter 47, 199-204, 1989.
- Chatterjee A, Busch RK, Zung D, Zahang WW, Busch H, Purification of a group of HeLa nuclear proteins that binds to a proliferating cell nuclear protein P 120 gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 180, 805-815, 1991.
- Chatterjee A, Biswas N, Chowdhury S, Roychowdhury J. Idewntification of a 60 kD antigen associated malignant growth of human breast tissue. Oncology 53, 422-425, 1996.
- Chatterjee A. Integrins- New Frontier in Cancer Biology. Ind. Jour. Exp. Resh. 34, 923-926, 1996
- Chowdhury SK and Chatterjee A. Reversal of resistance against doxorubicin by a newly developed compound, Oxalibis( N-Phenyl)hydroxamic acid in vitro. Anti Cancer Drug, 9, 825- 832, 1998.
- Sengupta S, Ray S, Chattopadhyay N, Biswas N, Chatterjee A. Effect of AllTrans Retinoic acid on metastatic potential of B16F10 cells. J.Exp. Clin. Cancer Resh. 19. No-1, 81-88, 2000.
- Ray S, Chattopadhyay N, Biswas N, Chatterjee A. Regulatory moleculas in tumor metastasis. J. Env.Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol 18, No-9, 251-259,1999.
- Chattopadhyay N, Ray S, Biswas N, Chatterjee A Effect of All Trans Retinoic Acid on Integrin receptors of cervical cancer cells(SiHa) Gyn. Oncol 75, 215-221, 1999.
- Chattopadhyay N, Chatterjee A. Studies on the expression of alfaVbeta3 integrin receptor in non malignant and malignant human cervical tumor tissue J.Exp. Clin. Cancer Resh,20, no-2,269-275, 2001
- Chattopadhyay N, Chatterjee A. Role of alfaVbeta3 integrin receptor in the invasive potential of cervical cancer cells. J. Env.Toxicol.Pathol. Oncol 20, no-4,211-221, 2001.
- Ray S, Chattopadhyay N, Sanyal U, Biswas N, Chatterjee A. Integrin Modulating Factor: A 30 kD protein that modulates the activity of alfa5beta1 integrin receptor in cervical cancer cells. J. Env. Toxicol. Pathol. Oncol. 20, no-4,199-209 2001.
- Sengupta S, Chattopadhyay N, Ray S, Mitra A, Dasgupta S, Chatterjee A. Role of alfaVbeta3 integrin receptor in breast tumor J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Resh. 20,no-4,203-208, 2001
- Chattopadhyay N, Mitra A, Frei E , Chatterjee A AlfaVbeta3 Integrin receptor expressed on human cervical cell (SiHa) surface has associated matrixmetalloproteinase activity. J. Cancer Resh. Clin. Oncol,127, 653-658, 2001
- Ray S, Chattopadhyay N, Siddiqi M, Mitra A, Chatterjee A Curcumin exhibits antimetastatic properties by modulating Integrin receptors ,collagenase activity, and expression of Nm 23 and E-cadherin. J. Env. Pathol.Toxicol.Oncol. 21, no4, 347-354, 2002
- Mitra A, Chakraborty J, Chattopadhyay N, Chatterjee A. Studies on membrane associated MMP2 in human cervical tumor . J.Env.Pathol.Toxicol.Oncol , vol-22, no-2, 2003.
- Mitra A,Chakraborty J,Chatterjee A. Ligation of a5b1 integrin by alfa5 monoclonal antibody modulates expression and activity of MMP2 & MMP7 in B16F10 melamona cells . J. Env. Pathol. Toxicol.Oncol, Vol-22 (3), 167-178, 2003.
- Banerji. A, Chakraborti, J, Mitra. A, Chatterjee. A Effect of Curcumin on Gelatinase A ( MMP-2) in B16F10 cells Cancer. Lett. Vol-211, no-2, 235-242, 2004.
- Mitra.A, Chakraborti.J, Banerji.A,Chatterjee.A Binding of alfa2 monoclonal antibody to alfa2 beta1 Integrin activates GlatinaseA( MMP2) in human cervical tumor cells( SiHa ) Gynae. Oncol vol-94, no-1, 33-39, 2004.
- Banerji A, Chakraborti J, Mitra A, Chatterjee A Cell membrane associated MT1-MMP dependent activation of proMMP-2 in A375 melanoma cells. Jour. Env. Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol. Vol 24(1), 1-16, 2005.
- Evelyn Y-L. Kim, Claas Gronewold Amitava Chatterjee, Claus- Wilhelm von der Lieth, Christian Kliem, Lutz Langbein, Birgit Schmauser, Manfred Wiessler, Eva Frei. Saccharide mimetics containing galactose and fucose specifically label tumor cell surface and inhibit cell adhesion to fibronectin. Chem Bio Chem, vol-6, 1- 10, 2005.
- Mitra. A, Chakraborty. J, Banerji. A and Chatterjee. A Cell Membrane mediated MT1-MMP dependent activation of Gelatinase A(MMP-2) in human cervical tumor cell(SiHa). J.Env.Pathol.Toxicol.Oncol , v-25, no-4,655-666, 2006.
- Chakraborti.J,Mitra.A, Banerji A and Chatterjee.A Culture of HT-1080 cells in presence of fibronectin activates MMP-2, Jour.Env.Toxicol.Pathol.Oncol v-25,n0-4,667-677,2006.
- Mitra A, Chakrabarti J, Bannerji. A, Das S and Chatterjee A Culture of SiHa cells in presence of fibronectin in serum free culture medium activates MMP-2. Jour. Can. Resh. Clin. Oncol , v-132,505-513,2006.
- Mitra A, Chakraborti J, Banerji A, Chatterjee A, B R Das Curcumin a potential inhibitor of MMP-2 in human laryngeal squamous carcinoma cells J. Env. Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol. J.Env.Pathol.Toxicol.Oncol, v-25,n0-4,679-689, 2006.
- Das S , Bannerji A, Frei A and Chatterjee A Culture of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in serum free medium in presence of fibronectin activates MMP-2 and MMP-9, Life Sciences vol-82,467-476, 2008
- Ashok K Chakrabortya, Josane de Frietas Sousa, Debjit Chakraborty, Yoko Funasaka, Mahasweta Bhattacharyaa, Amitava Chatterjee, John Pawelek, GnT-III, a GnT-V Antagonist, Suppresses Melanogenesis and Motility in Macrophage-Melanoma Fusion Hybrids, , GENEv-334, 166-173, 2006
- Mitra A, Chakraborty J, Bannerji A, Das S, Chatterjee A. Integrin -MMP Interrelation. A potential area to develop anti metastatic drugs- Treands in Pharmacology, edited by Roy & Gulati Chapter 26. 2006.
- Maity G, Mandal S, Chatterjee A, Bhattacharrya D. Purification & Characterization of a low molecular cytotoxic phospholipase A2 from Russel’s viper venom : A multifunctional protein. Jour. Chromato. B,v-845, 232- 243, 2007.
- Moulik S, Chatterjee A. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) & tumour angiogenesis. Indian J Med Res 125(6):715-6 (2007) PMID 17704546.
- Das S, Banerji A, Frei E, Chatterjee A. Rapid expression and activation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 upon exposure of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) to fibronectin in serum free medium. Life Sci. 2008 Feb 27;82(9-10):467-76.
- Moullick S, Sen T, Dutta A, Ghosh C, Bannerji A, Das S,Chatterjee A. Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase and NF-κB Involved in Epidermal Growth Factor-Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression. Jour .Cancer Mols. Vol-4(2),55-60, 2008.
- Banerji A, Chatterjee A. Culture of A-375 cancer cells on fibronectin coated plates activates MMP-2 and MMP-9, Jour. Toxicol. Pathol. Oncol, vol-27(2), 135-145, 2008 .
- Sen T, Moullick S, Roychowdhury P, Dutta A, Banerji A, Das S, Chatterjee A. Multifunctional effect of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in downregulation of gelatinase-A (MMP-2) in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Life Sciences vol-84,194-204, 2009.
- Dutta A, Sen T, Banerji A, Das S, Chatterjee A. Studies on Multifunctional Effect of All-Trans Retinoic Acid (ATRA) on Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and Its Regulatory Molecules in Human Breast Cancer Cells (MCF-7). Journal of Oncology, Volume 2009,1- 12.
- Maity G, Fahreen S, Banerji A, Sen T, Dutta A, Roychowdhury P, Chatterjee A. Fn-Integrin mediated signaling in human cervical cancer cells (SiHa), Mol Cell Biochem vol-336,(1-2), 65-74, 2010.
- Dutta A, Sen T, Chatterjee A. Culture of K562 human myeloid leukemia cells in presence of fibronectin expresses and secretes MMP-9 in serum free culture medium. International Jour of Exp Clin Pathol, vol-3(3), 288-302, 2010
- Sil H, Sen T, Moulick S, Chatterjee A. Black Tea Polyphenol (Theafl avin) Downregu- lates MMP-2 in Human Melanoma Cell Line A375 by Involving Multiple Regulatory Molecules. Jour Env Patho toxicol Oncolvol-29(1) 55-68, 2010.
- Sen T, Dutta A, Maity G, Chatterjee A. Fibronectin induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in human laryngeal carcinoma cells by involving multiple signaling pathways. Biochimie.Volume 92, Issue 10, October 2010, 1422-1434.
- Sen T, Dutta A, Chatterjee A, EGCG downregulates Gelatinase-B (MMP-9) by involvement of FAK/ERK, NF-kB and AP-I in the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. Anti Cancer Drugs vol-21 (6), 632-644, 2010.
- Dutta A, Sen T, Chatterjee A. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) downregulates MMP-9 by modulating its regulatory molecules. Cell Adh Migr. 2010 Jul-Sep; 4(3):409-18.
- Sen T, Chatterjee A. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) downregulates EGF-induced MMP-9 in breast cancer cells: involvement of integrin receptor α5β1 in the process. Eur J Nutr. 2011 Sep; 50(6):465-78.
- Maity G, Choudhury P R, Sen T, Ganguly K K, Sil H, Chatterjee A. Culture of human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231) on fibronectin-coated surface induces pro-matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression and activity. Tumour Biol. 2011 Feb; 32(1):129-38.
- Maity G, Sen T, Chatterjee A. Laminin induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression and activation in human cervical cancer cell line (SiHa). J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (2011) 137:347–357.
- Sil H, Sen T, Chatterjee A. Fibronectin – Integrin (α5β1) modulates migration and invasion of murine melanoma cell line B16F10 by involving MMP-9, Oncology Research, vol 19, 2011, 335-348.
- Pal S, Ganguly K K, Moulik S, Chatterjee A. Modulation of MMPs by cell surface integrin receptor α5β1. (Accepted for publication in Anti-cancer Agents in Medical Chemistry., September, 2011)
- Ganguly K K, Sen T, Pal S, Biswas J, Chatterjee A. Studies on Focal Adhesion Kinase in Human Breast Cancer cell MDA-MB-231. (Accepted for publication in Advances in Biological Chemistry, Nov, 2011).
- Ganguly K K, Sen T, Mandal S, Biswas J, Chatterjee A. Studies on Focal Adhesion Kinase in Human Breast Cancer Tissue. (Accepted for publication in Journal of Cancer Therapy, Dec, 2011).
- Kirat Ganguly, Sekhar Pal, Amitava Chatterjee, Integrin and Metastasis, Cell Migration and Adhesion ( Jan 2013).
- Nanda D, Sil H, Moulik S, Biswas J andChatterjee A et al, MMP-9 in breast cancerJEPTO ( Oct 2013).
- Sil H, Moulik S, Biswas J, Chatterjee A et al MMP-2 in human breast cancer , Jour of Tumor (April 2015)
- Moulik S, Pal S, Biswas J, Amitava Chatterjee, Role of ERK----------MDA-MB-231, Jour of Tumor, (Jan 2014)
- Pal S, Moulik S, Dutta A, Chatterjee A, Extracellular matrix protein laminin induces MMP-9 in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, Cancer Microenvironment (2014)
- Sil H and Chatterjee A- AlfaV beta3- MMP-2 Crosstalk, Jour of Tumor, 2015
- Chatterjee et al- Effect of Black Tea Polyhenols anonCell-ECM Interaction and MMP- American Journal of Plant Sciences ( March 2017)
- Chatterjee et al- Activated Salivary MMP-2- A potential breast cancer marker- Proceedings of Open Conference- Bentham Press, 2017 .
- Chatterjee A et al- Salivary VEGF- a potential Breast cancer marker, Cancer and Clinical Oncology, Vol- 7, N0-2, 2018.
- Chatterjee A et al- MMP-2- A Potential Breast Cancer Marker- Breast Cancer Marker- Communicated, August, 2018.
- Chatterjee A et al , Identification Of Vertebrate MMP-2 and MMP-9 like molecules in the aquous extract of Nasturtium flowers, Bambusa Balcoa leaves and Nayantara flowers ( Cancer and Microenvironmen ( accepted for publication, November, 2018).
- Sekhar Pal , Kirat Ganguly and Amitava Chatterjee , B B R C, Accepted forpublication,, 2020.
- Aniruddha Banerjee, Kirat Ganguly and Amitava Chatterjee , accepted for publication, April 2020.
- Amitava Chatterjee et al , Indian Jour of Plant Sciences, MMP-2 Inhibtory Factor present In Aza Indica (Neem) Extract, ( Accepted for publication,, May, 2020 ).
- Amitava Chatterjee et al, Identification of a MMP-2 Inhibitor from Guava leaf extract, Eur Jour Biochem, ( To be submitted, 2020).